
GmailNotifierProisaWindowsapplicationcapableofcheckingmultipleGoogleGmailaccountsfornewmailanddisplaynotifications.,2011年4月21日—GmailNotifierenablesyoutocheckyourGmailaccountrightfromthesystemtray,thatis,withouthavingtovisittheGmailwebpage.Although ...,GmailNotifierisaneffectivetoolthatwillworkinthebackgroundinthesystemtraywhosegoalistonotifyyouincaseofanyemailarriveinyour ...,Supports32-bit...

Download Gmail Notifier Pro 5.2

Gmail Notifier Pro is a Windows application capable of checking multiple Google Gmail accounts for new mail and display notifications.

Gmail Notifier

2011年4月21日 — Gmail Notifier enables you to check your Gmail account right from the system tray, that is, without having to visit the Gmail webpage. Although ...

Gmail Notifier for Windows

Gmail Notifier is an effective tool that will work in the background in the system tray whose goal is to notify you in case of any email arrive in your ...

Gmail Notifier Pro

Supports 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 · Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 ( ...

Gmail Notifier Pro

Gmail Notifier Pro is a Gmail notifier for Windows that can check multiple Gmail accounts for new mail and display notifications.


2023年2月22日 — Kwerty Gmail Notifier for Windows 7 monitors your Gmail inbox and notifies you of new emails. It takes advantage of the latest Windows 7 UI ...

Notifier for Gmail™

2024年2月13日 — Gmail™ Notifier is an open-source project that notifies you about incoming emails from all your Google Mail accounts and labels.

下載Gmail Notifier Windows 7 (3264 bit) 繁體中文

下載Gmail Notifier Windows 7 (32/64 bit) 免費。緊湊型工具,用於在日曆,任務列表和提醒的支持下顯示有關新信件到達的通知。

變更Gmail 通知設定

如要讓系統顯示電子郵件通知,請前往Windows 控制中心開啟Chrome 通知。 開啟或關閉通知音效. 開啟Gmail。 依序按一下右上方的「設定」圖示 下一步 ...